Grand Adventure
Drive-in Movie

In celebration of the First-Ever Toyota Grand Highlander release, Toyota, Amazon, and IMDb collaborated on a Grand Adventure Drive-In experience. As an accessibility consultant, I worked alongside Cinespia and Amazon to prioritize accessibility. This included assembling a team of accessibility ambassadors who had disabilities. Additionally, ASL interpreters were present to ensure full accessibility throughout the event, including a puppet show for children. Movies were screened with subtitles and a separate audio description channel for audiences with low visibility. Wheelchair-accessible pathways were illuminated for easy navigation across the venue.

Image of a white Toyota Grand Highlander SUV.—Michael Allen Nesmith™
Image of a mat covering electrical wires, making it easy for wheelchair users to cross.—Michael Allen Nesmith™
Images of children playing with floating bubbles and giant mushrooms.—Michael Allen Nesmith™
Image of rough terrain smoothed out with mats with "Cinespia" logo on it.—Michael Allen Nesmith™
Image of a bluish-grayish Toyota Grand Highlander SUV.—Michael Allen Nesmith™

ASL Interpreting Agency


Movita, Intune, & Saveface